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Volunteering Wingecarribee Inc. is a not-for-profit incorporated association that operates as Wingecarribee Volunteer Centre or Volwing, the volunteer resource organisation in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales.

The Hon Pru Goward is Patron of Volwing. The association is governed by a Board of Directors. The Centre is managed by an executive Manager, Debra Whaley. The remaining staff in the office are volunteers.

We recruit volunteers and refer them to our many client organisations in the community. We match people’s skills with opportunities, and we organise training for volunteers and clients where required. We advocate and promote the benefits of volunteering and develop partnerships with like-minded organisations. We raise funds to enable us to implement innovative volunteering programs that go beyond our core business of recruiting and placing.

To lead the way in our region towards improving the professionalism of the volunteering sector and the management of volunteers.

We believe in providing diverse volunteering opportunities that have the potential to enrich the lives of those giving freely of their time. We also believe in providing our clients with thoroughly screened volunteers who are prepared to make a commitment to the client’s organisation.

These beliefs are underpinned by our R.A.R.E. core values:

  • Respect – we will treat our volunteers and those we refer to clients with fairness, dignity and respect.
  • Accountability – we will honour our commitments to both volunteers and clients to build trust between them and us. We will take responsibility for our actions, admit our mistakes and respond constructively to any dissatisfaction.
  • Reward – we will work towards providing a quality experience for both volunteers and client organisations and to play our part in strengthening the social capital of our community.
  • Excellence – we will strive to be a leader among volunteer organisations by developing best practice. We will look for emerging trends and respond to them positively and will manage change strategically but responsibly.

Debra Whaley


Debra came to Volwing as volunteer Bookkeeper towards the end of 2020.
With her 20 plus years of experience in the Not for Profit sector Debra was appointed
to her executive role as Manager in May 2024.

Who's Who

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Barry Stewart


Barry came to The Volunteer Centre in January 2016 with a view to finding worthwhile volunteer work early in his retirement. He soon became our marketing, advertising and PR person and within a couple of months a Board member. Barry worked in advertising and marketing all his adult life.

He held senior management positions in several agencies, but his real passions are in both the strategic and hands-on creative processes. Born, brought up and educated in the UK, Barry has lived in Australia since. 1975. During his time on the board of Volwing Barry has written and designed all our marketing and advertising in Print, Cinema and Radio, as well as signage for our LDMP car and promotional banners etc. As well as modernising our logo design, he has overseen the design of our website with a friendly, modern look.

Christine Hafey

Vice President

Christine joined Volwing in a volunteer administrative capacity following a move to the Southern Highlands and thereafter retirement from practicing law with Legal Aid NSW.

As well as enjoying the never-ending task of creating a garden, which produces flowers all year round, Christine is involved with the Southern Highlands Botanic Gardens and Bowral Crafts Unlimited.

Christine’s sage advice on legal and administrative matters has become invaluable in the short time she has been with us, and we look forward benefiting from her valuable contribution to the smooth running of Volwing as a whole and the committee in particular.

Barry Jones


Barry worked as a teacher in various executive positions in secondary education for 35 years
specialising in Economics, Business Studies and Information Technology. He was also a network
computer manager at various schools. Since retirement he moved to the Southern Highlands and volunteers in the office at Volwing and Bradman International Cricket Museum in Bowral. Barry has a passion for wine and also works part-time for Artemis Winery as a tasting and sales person. His other interests include a wide range of sports, rock and blues music and issues of environmental concern.

Rosalind Beatty


Rosalind joined the Volunteer Centre in 2017 after hearing a cry for help over the radio that they
desperately needed someone to take the Minutes of the Board meetings. Since leaving school and
completing a secretarial course, Rosalind worked as a secretary in various industries but mainly insurance. Rosalind and her husband had their own insurance broking business for 22 years before retiring to the Southern Highlands. Rosalind is also the honorary secretary of a local community choir.

Colin Gelling

Board Member

C.E.O Berrima Courthouse Trust. O.A.M., BEc, BCom.

Colin’s commercial career spans companies in Australia as well as in Europe and South East Asia, with a background in law, commerce, marketing and advertising at senior company levels. These companies included the Coca-Cola Corporation, Sunbeam Corporation, ANCOL Newsgroup and Amcal Pharmacy Group. Colin was a senior partner and creative director of his own marketing group with both clients international and domestic. Upon his impending dotage and partial retirement he has spent the last 21 years as C.E.O. of the Berrima Courthouse Trust and Creator/Manager of the Australia Day Celebrations, Southern Highlands.

Hillary Winslow

Board Member

Hillary joined the board in 2019 after retiring from a long career in health and quality. Now
semi retired, Hillary works part time as Quality Officer for a local children’s disability service. She has lived in the Southern Highlands for the past 20 years after growing up in country Victoria. Her interests include playing golf, watching baseball and cricket, and spoiling her basset hound Rupert and Shih Tzu, Bogart, as well as volunteering.

Volunteer Staff

Deb Whaley