Members of Volwing may vote at the Annual General Meeting and play a role in the future direction of the incorporated association that is Volwing. Members also receive newsletters, participate in workshops and generally are part of the volunteering service in the Southern Highlands.
Not-for-profit and community organisations are asked to join Volwing as Registered Clients, in order to access the services offered by Volwing. This also enables Volwing to confirm that organisations hold, and continue to hold, volunteers’ insurance.
We also ask individuals who come to the Centre in order to be referred to volunteer positions to take out Membership of the Wingecarribee Volunteer Centre and become, in effect, agents of the centre.
The service fee for a Registered Client ranges from $50 to $150 per annum (plus GST) depending on the size and type of the organisation. The fee includes Membership for one person representing the organisation.
Membership for a volunteer is free.